An Important Update: Canvas prints are not available any more. Production of new hand-made replicas is discontinued as well.
There are some hand-made replicas still on stock, so please feel free to order them from the list below.
Shipping price is 20-40 Euro - depending on destination. For 250+ Euro orders shipping is free.
Copyright: Signed copyright owner's stamp ( is included with each and every replica.
Payment methods: Paypal and bank transfers are available at the moment.
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Thank you! Hare Krsna! Your servant, Deva das
more... | Item #C116-1: Airavata showers Krsna with Ganges water |
|  | Item #C112-1: Krsna, the all-attractive flute-player |
| | |  | Item #C267-1: The sun and moon of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda |
|  | Item #C228-2: Krsna is Syamasundara |
| | |  | Item #C228-1: Krsna is Syamasundara |
|  | Item #C202-2: Krsna, the butter thief |
| | |  | Item #C202-1: Krsna, the butter thief |
|  | Item #C143-4: Srimati Radharani talks to a bumblebee |
| | |  | Item #C074-1: Naughty Krsna |
|  | Item #C089-2: Krsna praises Balarama |
| | |  | Item #C064-3: Krsna and mother Yasoda |
|  | Item #C064-2: Krsna and mother Yasoda |
| | |  | Item #C207-2: Lord Krsna is known as Govinda |
|  | Item #C222-1: Pure spiritual love |
| | |  | Item #C020-1: Lord Siva instructs his wife Sati |
|  | Item #C234-1: Krsna at the house of Kubja |
| | |  | Item #C132-1: Radharani separated from Krsna |
|  | Item #C150-2: The river goddess Yamuna prays for Lord Balarama's mercy |
| | |  | Item #C071-2: Baby Krsna |
|  | Item #C027-1: Lord Siva saves the universe by drinking poison |
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